I believe Marion County is a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family. I have made it my priority to keep it that way. When elected officials stick to the core functions of government, it’s the taxpayers who win!
I have stood by our first responders giving them the tools they need to keep us safe. Solving problems and team building is what I love; a more efficient government has been the result. The shift is tangible. Can you feel the momentum in our community? Small and large business have added over 5,600 jobs. By holding government accountable and standing for conservative principles, we have positioned our county to be all that we have imagined.
Don’t be fooled — there are definitely some “good ol’ boys” who want things run to benefit them. But this is no time to hand Marion County back to the cronies and bureaucrats of the past. During this time of tremendous growth Marion County needs to be safeguarded against those who would turn Ocala into Orlando. I get it! Clogging
up SR 200 is no good, nor does the Coastal Connector belong in our beautiful horse country!
People shape community, not government. Today, the future of Marion County is being decided. Let’s continue working together to preserve our resources and shape the community we deserve!
Carl Zalak
Republican for Marion County Commission